Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Learning From Failures of Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was born to a peasant family in rural Kentucky in 1809. When 5-year-old helps his father cast a watermelon seed on his land. Not long after the watermelon seed was taken out of water, he cried. "Do not cry dear, we're doing again. Do not perdulikan any difficulties, we must not give up. We must try to succeed, it's soul to be possessed of a pioneer "said his father. Abraham Lincoln grew up in a difficult environment, forced to quit school when the new master the 26 letters and 10 digits. "Good-bye teacher!. I actually still want to learn more "he told his teacher. He should follow his parents moved house. "This land is not is not ours anymore, we are forced to move" his father said.

When she was nine years old, her mother was very sick diseased milk. Her mother told "Sarah, you have to keep your brother and you Abra, she could no longer read the bible for you! Be Satria ". A moment later "Ladies ........." Abraham cried tears as she hugged her mother who has left him forever. Now Sarah and Abraham grew up without a mother. Loneliness enveloped them both. Finally his father decided to leave. They both lived at home, his father would not know where and when to return. Life is difficult to face Sarah and Abraham.

Three weeks later, her father arrived with the new mother and new brother and start loneliness is transformed into joy. The spirit of life arise again and finally go back to school. Home from school he helped his family. Tetangganyapun amazed to see the hard work of Abraham. Finally asking for help to be given little in return. After Abraham's writings knows, nowhere he was carrying a book. Book desire that he is the history of George Washington, first American president. At the age of 17 years, most beloved sister, Sarah died. Grief never out of Abraham Lincoln.

To help the family needs anything Abra work. Abraham Lincoln initially worked as a cutter rail, ship drivers, shopkeepers, and surveyors mailman before becoming a lawyer. Abraham Lincoln is peminpin who learn from failure. Failure when he first started doing business in 1931. Defeated in the Legislature in 1832. In 1833, a failure back in business and suffered a broken spirit in 1836. Abraham Lincoln failed to occupy the board of the voters in 1840 and failed to become a member of Congress in 1846 and failed to become members of the Senate in 1855. In 1856, Lincoln failed to become President and the Senate failed to Council in 1858. Finally inaugurated as the 16th President of the United States and one of a successful president in American history.

Thanks to:
Mohammad Suyanto

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