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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Business Ethics: Sale and Purchase of Halal

God justifies the sale and forbidden usury. In surat Al-Baqarah verse 275: The people who eat (take) usury can not stand but as stands the devil possessed people because (pressure) psychosis. Their situation is such that, is because they say (think), actual trading is like usury, but Allah has justifies the sale and purchase and forbids usury. The people who have to ban him from his Lord, and continue to stop (from taking usury), then for him what he had taken first (to judge), and business (up) to God. People who repeat (taking usury), then it is the inhabitants of hell, they will abide therein.

Rasulullah S.A.W. recommend the lawful sale and as far as possible to avoid the syubhat, let alone the unlawful. Once upon a time the Prophet s.a.w. the question: "Yes Rasulallah, do the best job?" He replied: "Work is the best business person with his own hands and all the buying and selling was considered good (Ahmad and Bayhaqi). From r.a Nu'man ibn Bashir, he said the Prophet. He said: "The halal is real, what is unlawful is real and between them a few cases of doubt. Anyone left in doubt about what his sin, that person usually leave the things which are real sinners. And who would dare to do what is still in doubt about his sin, he fell on concern the real case sin. All sorts of restrictions ma'siat is God. Whoever played around the prohibition of God, feared he would fall into it "(Bukhari and Muslim).

Thanks to : M.Suyanto

Business Ethics: Implementing Honesty

A good trader can implement honesty, based on the desire for others to find the good and happiness. God recommends to carry out honesty. In surat Al-Anfal verse 58: And if ye fear (of) the betrayal of a group, then return to their agreements with the honest way. Allah loves not those who defected. Similarly, in surah Al Baqarah verse 282: If the borrower is not strong or weak reason (it) or he himself could not mengimlakkan, then let his guardian mengimlakkan honestly.

From Abu Sa'eed al Khudri ra, Rasulullah SAW said: Merchants are honest and trustworthy belonged to the prophets, the sincere and the martyrs (Tirmidhi, Darimi and Daraqutni). From Ibn Umar RA, he said, "Allah's Rasulullah was asked about whether the business is best? "He replied," Business man with his own hands, and an honest trade. "(Thabrani in Al Ausath and reliable perawinya). R.a. Anas, the Prophet s.a.w. He said: Surely an honest traders and right will be under the auspices of the Throne of God on the Day of Resurrection (Ashbhani).

Even the Prophet s.a.w. explain the defects in the business of merchandise that he knew and who are not visible by the buyer. 'Uqbah history, he said,

"Muslim is a Muslim brother. Is not permissible for a Muslim, when he traded with his brother and find defects, except diterangkannya. "Abi Similarly Siba 'tells the story:" I bought a camel from home Watsilah Ibnul Asqa', when out of his house, he was chasing me with a drag holster and asked , "Did you buy it?" I replied, "Yes." He said, "I will explain this camel defects." I said, What handicap? This is not camel gterlihat fat and healthy? "He asked," You want this to dikendari camel or eat meat? "I said," To go on a pilgrimage to this camel. "He said, 'just the camel's back." Si, owner and seller camel says: "What do you want, may God straighten you, whether you want to frustrate my sales?" Watsilah said "I heard the Rasul of Allah said," There should be someone to sell something unless he explains what is in the stuff and people who know disability items that must be told about it. "

Thanks To: M.Suyanto

Business Ethics: Keeping Our Promise

In business, a promise is a psychological contract indicating a transaction between two people, where the first person to say the second person to provide services and the provision of value for him now and will be used or not. The promise may also be a pledge or guarantee. The promise may be spoken or written as a contract. Breaking a promise not only is often regarded as moral turpitude, even illegal, too, such as contracts that are not firmly held. God recommends to keep his word in the sale and other activities. Al Maidah mentioned in paragraph 1: O ye who believe! Aqad-aqad fill it. Also mentioned in the letter of Al-Israa verse 34: And come not nigh to the orphan's property except with a better way (useful) until he reaches maturity and fulfill the promise, the promise that prompted the real accountability. Similarly, in surah Al Baqarah verse 177: It is not your faces towards east and west is a virtue, but it is actually good faith in Allah, days later, the angels, the books, the Prophets and gives his beloved property to relatives, orphans, the poor, the traveler (who needed help) and those who beg and (liberating) slave, founded the prayer, and give to charity and the people who kept his word when he promised and those who are patient in hardship and suffering and in the war. They are the ones who are true (faith) and they are the ones who fear Allah.

In business s.a.w. Rasulullah always keep your promises, both before the Prophet and after the Prophet. Before becoming a prophet, he never deal with Abdullah Ibn Abdul Hamzah. Abdullah Ibn Abdul-Hamza said: "I've bought something from the Prophet before he received his prophetic task and since there are still matters to him, so I'm promising to take him, but I forgot. When recalled three days later, akupun go to these places and find the Prophet was still there. "Prophet said:" You have made me nervous, I'm here waiting for you "(Abu Dawud). Of the incident shows how the Rasul of Allah keep your promises. Although the duration of three days, he kept waiting and still keep their promises. After waiting for people who come the Prophet was not angry, but was pleased that the Prophet had been cured of unrest with the awaited arrival of such people.

Thanks To: M.Suyanto

Doing Wealth Accumulation and Hoarding (1)

Hoarded wealth, which includes also the accumulation of goods and wait for high prices and then sell the highest price is not desired by God and His Rasul. God also forbids to accumulate wealth. In the letter Al Humazah 1-3: "Woe to every slanderer more detractors. That collect treasure and count counted. He thinks that his wealth could mengekalkannya ". Similarly, in a letter of At-Tauba 34-35: "And those who keep gold and silver and not menafkahkannya in the way of Allah, then give them tahukanlah (that they will have) a painful doom. On the day of the silver gold heated in Hell Fire, then burned with their forehead, stomach and back them, 'This is the treasure that ye buried bendamu for yourself, so taste it (because of) what you save it."

Relates to accumulate wealth, he said, "O Abu Dzar, do you know the mountain of Uhud?" Abu Dzar look at the sun from noon time remaining, and he felt that the Prophet wanted to send him on his purposes. Then he said, "Yes." He said, "I do not like it when I have the gold of the mountain of Uhud that I spent all but the remaining three dinars." (Bukhari). And in another narration he said, "Even if I have the gold of Mount Uhud, it does not make me happy until the third period tonight as I still have the gold but I'll keep looking for I used to pay debt."

Rasulullah S.A.W. never liked to hoard wealth. If Mount Uhud turned into gold, so it's not like he reached a period of one night or three nights while he still had a dinar or three dinars. However, he will continue to look for people who have the right to accept or to his infakkan to people who have the right, and will be distributed to the servants of God. Rasulullah S.A.W. is a very berzuhud in worldly affairs with the highest degree. He s.a.w. He said, "People are a lot of wealth is the reward, but at least people who say kadza wa kadza." (Bukhari).

It means people who treasure a lot, they are the least rewarded akhiratnya. Except, for those who distribute his wealth to the servants of God who is on either side and very few of them leave from it. Rasulullah when dead, he did not leave a coin or even a single dinar. Nor did leave a legacy of the slave men and women, and also did not leave anything at all except that he baghal animal is white and a sword, and a plot of land that made him alms.

Goods savings (al-kanzu) is anything that is collected each other, be it in the bowels of the earth or above, in the house or that can be spent or the like. So, people who hoard their wealth and keep it and not out Zakah, then they will be punished with such property. This is very unfair, because the real people who love something and more than mengutamakannya obedient to God, then it will be punished ornag with something he loved.

Thanks to: MSuyanto

Finding Treasure (2)

Another goal is to find assets for the benefit of himself. Self-interest can be needs to keep his honor and worship as well as supporters. Rasulullah S.A.W. advocated for the property to maintain his honor. Rasulullah S.A.W. He said: It's one of you go with the rope (try to) and then came back with a bundle of firewood on his back and then sell it and with that fuelwood Almighty God will preserve the honor of himself, it is far better than he was begging to others, whether they give or not (Bukhari). Whereas for worship and its supporters is to be able to perform the pilgrimage, to study, pay zakat, infaq, sodaqoh and so on.

Allah and His Rasul recommend to use the property as well as for others. Surat Al-Baqarah verse 215: They ask you about what they spend. Answer: Whatever ye spend that wealth should be given to the mother-father, the relatives, orphans, poor people and people who are on the way. "And whatever good you made, surely, Allah is know. In surat Al-Hadid verse 18: "Those who give alms, both men and women and loan to Allah a good loan, undoubtedly will be doubled (the payment) to them and for their reward." Rasul of Allah also carried out the orders of Allah and invites her friend. Ra of Abu Qatada, he said: "We went along with the Rasul of Allah. in the year (the war) Hunayn. When the Prophet. give me armor. Armor was later sold, then bought a garden from Bani Salamah. Property's garden first I collected as a capital of Islam "(Bukhari). Abdullah bin 'Umar, he said: "The Prophet Never send silk or silk clothes to Umar mixture, and then he saw the clothes worn by Umar. Word of him, "Truly I send it to the clothes, not for you to wear. Who will use it are those who are not lucky for him. I sent you is that you can take advantage of it, namely that you sell "(Bukhari). Similarly, from Ibn `Umar, he said:" We have been accompanying the Prophet. In a journey. I ride a young camel that had belonged to Umar driven, so the camel was my tire. He came forward crowd, Umar and dragged away (back to back). Then he went anyway, Umar was chased and dragged him (also back) Hence, in Umar, "Sell your camel to me." Umar A, "Camel's for you, O Rasul of Allah!" Word of him, "Sell me!" The sale of Umar to the Rasul of Allah Then the Prophet. He said, "Camel's for you, O, Abdullah ibn Umar! You can do what you want with the camel. "(Bukhari).

The main purpose in seeking the treasure is to seek pleasure of Allah. The trick is to spend his street to find his keridhan. That way we will be rewarded fairly and including those who are lucky. Surat Al-Baqarah 272: And do not spend anything but because seeking pleasure of Allah. And whatever good fortune you spend, surely you will be given a reward by being quite a bit you will not be persecuted (harmed).

Thanks for :MSuyanto

Finding Treasure (1)

Al Maal (property) in Arabic means gold, silver and cattle. Ibn al-Athir said: "Al-Maal (property) in the beginning is what you have each made of gold and silver, then used to show every thing that acquired and possessed of objects. And the word most used maal on Arab nations to show camel because it is the most of their possessions. "According to Al Kramly, malls (property) in the beginning indicate" ground ", then change to" plant ", and" all what is seems on it "and then" animal ", then" every thing owned ". And in the tamaddun civilization and means "gold and silver" or paper that is money, regardless of its form. Meanwhile, Islamic terminology, al Maal is anything that has value and should be utilized and acquired ownership in a manner consistent sharia.

Can lead to good fortune and vice versa can be made ugliness. Hassan sings: "Al-maalu tazri bi-Aqwaamin dzawii hasabin wa qad tusawwidu ghaira al_Sayyidi al Maal (Treasury can make a low of-the honorable and able to lift masters degree is not hosting). The purpose of man's search for another property to meet the nature and passions, self sufficient and families, helping the community and get the pleasure of Allah.

Finding the treasure is human nature since created, but in fulfilling his desire to be controlled by sharia limits and using appropriate ways of sharia. In the letter Ali Imran, verse 14: "be nice to (view) human love for what dingini, namely women, children, property that many of the types of gold, silver, horses, cattle and rice fields fields. This is the pleasure of life on earth and Allah is a fine return (Paradise). "It was a beautiful property, flavor and fun, so many people want to hunt him down, though only up to the permitted limit, but according to Al-Ghazali, so accustomed to love property making it difficult to part with it. Such actions can be absorbed in his soul, that can sometimes overcome the feeling that was once sacred becomes less pure, formerly well be less good. Even that was formerly permitted to be unlawful, because of habit.

Similarly Rasulullah S.A.W.  He said: "If someone's already had two valleys of gold, he would seek a third in addition to the two existing valley's" (Bukhari and Muslim). Al-Ghazali gives us no guidance for greedy and greedy for wealth. First, should get used to living in a state of being, simple, and moderation, moderation in the shop and away from luxury. Second, let's convince someone firmly convinced that the prescribed rizki for him would be achieved and secured. Third, it should be realized by doing qana'ah (accept what is, still trying to improve her lot) will get the glory. Fourth, should remember the Prophet and Waliullah, who lived simply and patiently suffer shortages. Fifth, should realize that the treasure could cause harm if not managed according to the guidance of Allah and His Rasul. By following the guidelines given Al-Ghazali, hopefully we can attempt qana'ah nature, accept with what our side, but keep trying to improve our lives, remain patient and trust in God, so that we become successful in finding property.

Thanks For: MSuyanto

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