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Monday, January 25, 2010

Position Determination Based on competitors

Competitors by positioning the product as the best positioned than its competitors. Positioning is a communication strategy. Millions of products or brands on the market tumbled, then to enter the customer's mind is not easy. The only way is to find a gap to put the position of competitors. Thus we have to move a new idea or new product into the minds of different customers with a product or brand competitors.

Columbus says that "the Earth is round", but the general public say that "the Earth is flat". One of the many convincing arguments is the fact that the first time fishing in the sea watching the top of the mast was approaching. After seeing the top of the pole, then see the screen and finally saw the boat in full. This simple observation proves itself more effective than blind mathematical logic to solve the problem, including improving the competitive strategy. Nevertheless there are four things we need to consider in finding loopholes in the minds of customers.

First, to convey the message to the customer's mind should be relate and make sense. Three wheels make positioning by competing with its ad slogan "Strong Trusted". Customers catch associated with that ad and it makes sense that the cement mortar Three Wheels is best quality and sturdy wheels to make a Top Three Brand cement in Indonesia.

Second, find the idea that the difference with the competitors. Olympic positioned itself as a furniture with a complete variety, ranging from children sets, bedroom sets, office sets, kitchen sets and set as distinguishing living with competitors. Olympic is also a furniture company with leading innovators from the design, quality and price, so that the Top Brand Olympic Indonesian furniture.

Third, have evidence that supports that make it real and believable. Garda Oto Astra Buana's insurance with "Do not Worry Be Happy" has proved that they can be trusted. During floods and bombs, Auto Guard fleet has done standby at the scene. This indicates that the Garda Oto customer care to customers at the time of trouble, so customers are not concerned with the Garda Oto.

Fourth, communicating the product or brand differences we have compared to competitors. Philips lighting products with its tagline "Frankly Philips light on", later changed to "Sense and simplicity", to produce a good communication in the minds of consumers as a quality lamp that eventually became Top Brand lamps in Indonesia.

Thanks to: MSuyanto and AMIKOM

Brand Building Strategies (3)

Brand building strategy can be to rely on brand equity. Brand equity based on the consumer perspective is a recognition of the brand's consumer and store in their memory and their associations that support the brand, strong and unique. Brand equity based on the consumer perspective of brand awareness and brand image.

Brand awareness is the brand's ability to appear in consumers' minds when they're thinking about a particular product and how easy it is to name revealed. Brand awareness is the basic dimensions of brand equity. A brand does not have the equity to the consumer aware of the brand. New brand should be able to achieve brand awareness and maintain brand awareness should be done all brands. The level of brand awareness to brand known as awareness and recall tend to be shallow brand as a deeper awareness. For in Indonesia, if we consider the brand of toothpaste that can quickly arise in our heads then Pepsodent will appear first, followed by new Ciptadent, Close-Up and others. Whereas if we think the mosquito, then the Baygon will appear first, followed by three new wheels and others.

Brand image is a kind of association that emerged in the minds of consumers when considering a particular brand. These associations can arise in the form of a particular image or idea associated with a brand. This association can dikonseptualkan by type, support, strength and uniqueness. Type of brand associations include the attributes, benefits and attitudes. Attribute consists of attributes associated with products such as design, color, size and attributes that are not associated with the product, such as price, user and usage imagery. While the benefits include the benefits of a functional, symbolic benefits and benefits based on experience. Bodrex associated as the drug is safe and rapid healing. Komix associated as a cough medicine that can be drunk directly with the advertising slogan "Tante Fe batuk, diglek aja".

To enhance brand equity through an election conducted brand names or logos are good. The most common effort made through marketing programs and marketing communications in order to create an association that supports, strong and unique in the consumer's mind between the brand and the attributes or benefits. High quality products and present the potential value of having a high brand equity business needs effective marketing communications and consistently to build and maintain brand equity. Tea Sosro expressed as one of the biggest brands in Indonesia, actually no more than water given sugar tea. However this brand has great brand equity for the promotion pemasarnya continuously.

Thanks to: MSuyanto

Brand Building Strategies (2)

Real marketing strategies brand building strategy in the consumer's mind. If we have the ability to build a brand, it means we have a strong marketing program. Another strategy to build brands is to empower brand product lines. Brand product line is a strategy put in a brand name product lines related. Brand product line focuses and provides cost advantages by promoting the product line rather than each product. This strategy is effective if the company has one or more product lines, each of which contains a relationship between the items of the product. One advantage the brand's product line is the addition of product items can be introduced to empower the brand names that have been built.

Strategies that big companies use to build a brand, usually by using the company's brand. A company's brand building strategy brand identity using the company name to identify the product. Toyota, Panasonic, Polytron, Sony, IBM, Intel, Motorola, Sharp, Sanyo, Toshiba, Yamaha, Honda and McDonald's use the company brand (corporate brand) to advertise its products. Good Honda ads Mega Pro 1600 and continue highlighting Karisma Honda brand as a corporate brand.

Kijang and Avanza success as Top Brand Indonesia, one of them because of that it uses the Toyota brand. Toyota to build brands is not only a company that menjualmobil, but the company that offers a Total Ownership Experience, ranging from dealers to contact customers after sales service is optimal. Toyota Kijang with the image that the vehicle is durable and easy to maintain and relatively high prices purnajualnya compared with competitive brands make a strong brand in the minds of consumers. Toyota Avanza, using Toyota's corporate brand has been trusted around the world who have superior products, services satisfactorily high resale to make its brand into Top Brand Indonesia. Panasonic with AC and a washing machine also became Top Brands Indonesia, both use the company's brand. Polytron with audio, which provides electronic product images are relatively inexpensive, but quality in Indonesia. Similarly, Sharp and Toshiba with television and refrigerator, all of which use the company's brand strategy to achieve excellence.

Thanks to: MSuyanto

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Brand Building Strategies (1)

Each company should develop their own policies regarding the brand of eye products in the same line. Brand is a combination of names, words, symbols or designs that give the identity of the product. As discussed above, that the advertised product but not the brand. Brand economic role if the brand is mass produced, so achieving economies of scale and a successful brand can hamper the memeperkenalkan competitors who want the same brand. Brand also has a strategic role with a difference between the brands offered by the company with its competitors brand. From the consumer perspective, a trusted brand is a guarantee of consistency of performance of a product and provide consumers the benefits sought when buying a particular product or brand. Brand also is a promise to consumers that by just saying his name, comes the hope that the brand will provide the best quality, comfort, status and other considerations when consumers make a purchase.

Brand consists of private brands (private brand / store brand / distributor of brand / private label), brand-specific / individual (specific / individual brand), brand lines / families (line / family brand), brand companies (corporate brand), brand combination (cobination brand). Private brand is a brand-sponsored by the distributor, for example on large traders and retailers. Alfa pulled out of sugar with the supermarket brands but do not have the sugar factory, the Alpha uses the private brand of sugar distributor permission. Allows private brand wholesalers or retailers provide lower prices and allow for higher profit. Bahakan many overseas companies ranging from clothing in upscale real Indonesian production, but given the brand overseas. Similarly, Indonesian-made shoes, branded ordering from abroad. Although made in Indonesia, but with foreign brands were able to sell a good price. Because the sale was not a product but the brand.
Another strategy is to build a brand with a specific brand which is a strategy to provide the brand name of a specific product. Unilever uses this strategy, for example Ax for brand deodorant, for Blue Band margarine, Domestos for mosquito, for Omo detergent, Pepsodent toothpaste and for for Sunsilk shampoo. Similarly, P & G, for Camay soap brands, for Crest toothpaste, Duracell batteries, Gillette for razors, Head & Shoulders for shampoo and Pampers for diapers.

Thanks to : Mohammad Suyanto

Position Determination Based on Benefit

Benefits by positioning the product is positioned as a leader in a particular benefit. Benefits include symbolic benefits, functional benefits and benefits based on experience. Successful positioning requires communication strategies that can draw attention to one customer's needs, whether symbolic, functional and experimental.

Positioning is based on the benefits of symbolic positioning using attraction for someone to have the desire to possess objects of successful people. Symbolic benefits still apply in Indonesia, Mercy cars, BMW and Volvo mostly found in Indonesia, even Jaguar and Ferrari began to be found in the metropolis. Conversely, if the Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia which we find only the Proton or Perodua cars, very few cars as we temuai Mercy, BMW and Volvo. "Consumers who buy an expensive car to show success in a career. By buying an expensive car, which they obtained success can be seen by others "said one customer Mercy. Though really just a false success, but in Indonesia this sibol benefits many are still chasing him. BMW uses the slogan "The Ultimate Driving Machine".

Positioning is based on the functional benefits on the basis of positioning the functional benefits of these products. Bimoli cooking oil using functional benefits by using "cooking oil with the best quality with the content of omega-9". Benefits of omega 9 is said to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and the relative heat resistance. Similarly ProXL using functional positioning based on the slogan "Not Just Talk".

Positioning based on experimental determination of benefits based on the position in the customer experience using the product both appearance and comfort. Viva face powder using experimental based positioning. With the slogan "suitable for tropical skin". Most use Viva mother and brother because they use it. Youth group woke up not only alone but because of their compatibility with the skin or the convenience to use it. Viva is a local brand that could last more than 45 years of the onslaught of global brands with a wider variety of sharp competition. Viva remains the Top Brand of Indonesia to face powder category.

Thanks to : Mohammad Suyanto


Positioning is positioned according to product attributes based on attributes or characteristics, such as symbols, symbol, size, color, location, position and so on. Positioning based on this attribute will work well if the attribute is associated with the consequences of these attributes for the customer and the consequential personal value in strengthening the product in customer's mind. Promagtermasuk examples of successful use by positioning attributes. Selected for the fasting month of imaging products that are touching the hearts of Muslims.

Consequences are what customers expect to benefit or loss when consuming these products. Status, comfort, performance, safety and resale value high is positive consequences (benefits) for vehicles, instead of damage, fault repair and lower selling prices are negative consequences (losses) which avoided the consumer.

Personal values is a belief held by someone who is related to what is important in life. This value is closely related to the statement or behavior that people do in life. Product attributes and consequences are not just obtained, but rather as a consequence of receiving a statement or positioning. Every act of consumption is valued as an effort to receive a statement at-positioning-kan.Oleh because of the perception that customers, affect the value attribute dankonsekuensinya.

Shar-e cards are positioned itself in the minds of consumers as a debit card on sharia principles berdasarka widespread in Indonesia, because it can be obtained at any post office with only Rp.125.000, - using the slogan "The easy way to share the results". Similarly conducted by Promag. In his Promag posisioning displays the figure of a devout Muslim. This figure is played by Matthew Mizwar is known as the celebrities who are religious. Packaging Promag selected yangidentik green with Islam. Finally make Promag as a market leader with a market share of about 80%.

Thanks to : Mohammad Suyanto

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