Monday, January 25, 2010

Brand Building Strategies (3)

Brand building strategy can be to rely on brand equity. Brand equity based on the consumer perspective is a recognition of the brand's consumer and store in their memory and their associations that support the brand, strong and unique. Brand equity based on the consumer perspective of brand awareness and brand image.

Brand awareness is the brand's ability to appear in consumers' minds when they're thinking about a particular product and how easy it is to name revealed. Brand awareness is the basic dimensions of brand equity. A brand does not have the equity to the consumer aware of the brand. New brand should be able to achieve brand awareness and maintain brand awareness should be done all brands. The level of brand awareness to brand known as awareness and recall tend to be shallow brand as a deeper awareness. For in Indonesia, if we consider the brand of toothpaste that can quickly arise in our heads then Pepsodent will appear first, followed by new Ciptadent, Close-Up and others. Whereas if we think the mosquito, then the Baygon will appear first, followed by three new wheels and others.

Brand image is a kind of association that emerged in the minds of consumers when considering a particular brand. These associations can arise in the form of a particular image or idea associated with a brand. This association can dikonseptualkan by type, support, strength and uniqueness. Type of brand associations include the attributes, benefits and attitudes. Attribute consists of attributes associated with products such as design, color, size and attributes that are not associated with the product, such as price, user and usage imagery. While the benefits include the benefits of a functional, symbolic benefits and benefits based on experience. Bodrex associated as the drug is safe and rapid healing. Komix associated as a cough medicine that can be drunk directly with the advertising slogan "Tante Fe batuk, diglek aja".

To enhance brand equity through an election conducted brand names or logos are good. The most common effort made through marketing programs and marketing communications in order to create an association that supports, strong and unique in the consumer's mind between the brand and the attributes or benefits. High quality products and present the potential value of having a high brand equity business needs effective marketing communications and consistently to build and maintain brand equity. Tea Sosro expressed as one of the biggest brands in Indonesia, actually no more than water given sugar tea. However this brand has great brand equity for the promotion pemasarnya continuously.

Thanks to: MSuyanto

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