Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Doing Wealth Accumulation and Hoarding (1)

Hoarded wealth, which includes also the accumulation of goods and wait for high prices and then sell the highest price is not desired by God and His Rasul. God also forbids to accumulate wealth. In the letter Al Humazah 1-3: "Woe to every slanderer more detractors. That collect treasure and count counted. He thinks that his wealth could mengekalkannya ". Similarly, in a letter of At-Tauba 34-35: "And those who keep gold and silver and not menafkahkannya in the way of Allah, then give them tahukanlah (that they will have) a painful doom. On the day of the silver gold heated in Hell Fire, then burned with their forehead, stomach and back them, 'This is the treasure that ye buried bendamu for yourself, so taste it (because of) what you save it."

Relates to accumulate wealth, he said, "O Abu Dzar, do you know the mountain of Uhud?" Abu Dzar look at the sun from noon time remaining, and he felt that the Prophet wanted to send him on his purposes. Then he said, "Yes." He said, "I do not like it when I have the gold of the mountain of Uhud that I spent all but the remaining three dinars." (Bukhari). And in another narration he said, "Even if I have the gold of Mount Uhud, it does not make me happy until the third period tonight as I still have the gold but I'll keep looking for I used to pay debt."

Rasulullah S.A.W. never liked to hoard wealth. If Mount Uhud turned into gold, so it's not like he reached a period of one night or three nights while he still had a dinar or three dinars. However, he will continue to look for people who have the right to accept or to his infakkan to people who have the right, and will be distributed to the servants of God. Rasulullah S.A.W. is a very berzuhud in worldly affairs with the highest degree. He s.a.w. He said, "People are a lot of wealth is the reward, but at least people who say kadza wa kadza." (Bukhari).

It means people who treasure a lot, they are the least rewarded akhiratnya. Except, for those who distribute his wealth to the servants of God who is on either side and very few of them leave from it. Rasulullah when dead, he did not leave a coin or even a single dinar. Nor did leave a legacy of the slave men and women, and also did not leave anything at all except that he baghal animal is white and a sword, and a plot of land that made him alms.

Goods savings (al-kanzu) is anything that is collected each other, be it in the bowels of the earth or above, in the house or that can be spent or the like. So, people who hoard their wealth and keep it and not out Zakah, then they will be punished with such property. This is very unfair, because the real people who love something and more than mengutamakannya obedient to God, then it will be punished ornag with something he loved.

Thanks to: MSuyanto

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