The use of these two little words to strengthen customer relationships, increase business continuity and ease of reference.
Carnegie said that there is only one way to persuade someone to do something - make a person want to do. How can you encourage customers to say good things about you and give you references? For them, what they are looking for, and all of Frank and honest.
Two magic words
The great secret of dealing with people (or customers) is often overlooked or forgotten. This is just to say "thank you" consistently, personally and, above all, really. These two magic words of marketing work, because customers want to feel important.
To say "thank you" is an act of kindness, as well. But do not say "thank you" for the love of flattery. It must be sincere. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "You can never say anything but what you are."
"Thank you" Promote references
The uncertainty of the references can be confusing. Can you manage? No Can you influence them? Of course.
First, make a valuable product or service to customers. (To do this, right?) But maybe you can make a difference in their minds even more is your interest, after delivering the product or service.
Every customer has a different degree of satisfaction of your products and services. But all customers, as you say "thank you" believe they are important to you. This can determine whether to continue a relationship with them and get references.
"Thanks," such as direct mail or email
If you have never used direct mail, and look through the correspondence program. If you use direct mail or e-mail, but I sent a thank you letter or e-mail, you must start now.
The thank you letter or e-mail is sent to its customers (you know, you know), personal and effective. It is guaranteed to receive a positive response.
It is also a pleasant surprise if it is going. They see the envelope. They think it is one thing for me to check, sign, or worse, Bill. Surprise! They are measured are important. And you're the only ones to tell them.
Write a thank you letter or e-mail at every opportunity. However, do not send an invoice or other correspondence. Even so, sent separately.
Write thank-you letter or e-mail
The idea behind a thank you letter or e-mail may seem simple, but writing can be a difficult task. Here are 9 tips for writing a winning thank-you letter or e-mail:
1. Be brief. Half a dozen lines (or less) are sufficient.
2. Be honest. It is absolutely crucial. If you are not careful, it may seem difficult, even when it comes to being honest.
3. Start with "thank you". Mrs. Johnson (or name if applicable): Thank you ...
4. Make the tone of warm but professional. Be friendly, but keep it professional.
5. Strengthen the positive aspects. Remind them to a positive relationship.
6. Provide ongoing support. If I can help, please call ...
7. Stop, "thank you". Thank you again ...
8. Use a proper closure. Sincerely, Best Regards.
9. No ulterior motives. Make simple "thank you", if sincerity is not compromised.
Remember to say "thank you" to a moment of strong customer relationships. The use of these two magic words, and constantly looking to grow your business and repeat referrals.
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