God justifies the sale and forbidden usury. In surat Al-Baqarah verse 275: The people who eat (take) usury can not stand but as stands the devil possessed people because (pressure) psychosis. Their situation is such that, is because they say (think), actual trading is like usury, but Allah has justifies the sale and purchase and forbids usury. The people who have to ban him from his Lord, and continue to stop (from taking usury), then for him what he had taken first (to judge), and business (up) to God. People who repeat (taking usury), then it is the inhabitants of hell, they will abide therein.
Rasulullah S.A.W. recommend the lawful sale and as far as possible to avoid the syubhat, let alone the unlawful. Once upon a time the Prophet s.a.w. the question: "Yes Rasulallah, do the best job?" He replied: "Work is the best business person with his own hands and all the buying and selling was considered good (Ahmad and Bayhaqi). From r.a Nu'man ibn Bashir, he said the Prophet. He said: "The halal is real, what is unlawful is real and between them a few cases of doubt. Anyone left in doubt about what his sin, that person usually leave the things which are real sinners. And who would dare to do what is still in doubt about his sin, he fell on concern the real case sin. All sorts of restrictions ma'siat is God. Whoever played around the prohibition of God, feared he would fall into it "(Bukhari and Muslim).
Thanks to : M.Suyanto
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Wew! I'm the first one to comment
Great posting, 'Bro...
As moslems, we need a certain halal status for everything, not only just food
But food is almost a vurnerable for halal status, So halal for food should need a big concern
For all I know, europe food bussiness have already raced to announce that their food is halal for moslems. They see halal status as a chance to maintain numbers of moslems consumer
How about us in Indonesia?
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